Genius xaela doctor, combat medic, researcher, and wet worker. A gentleman through and through. Even despite being socially inept and his off-putting looks, he is a kind person who has the right intentions at heart. While the world may see him as white, he is inevitably grey and is no stranger to the nuance of the world and it's ever tilting moral compass.

at a glance

NAME: lkhagvasüren malqir / lennox voronin
RACE: au'ra / xaela
AGE: 26 -> 30 end of endwalker
HEIGHT: 7'/84in
GENDER: cis man / gender fluid -> he/they
SEXUALITY: pansexual/demi-romantic/polyamorous
BIRTHDAY: 23rd sun of the 4th umbral moon
STATUS: Alive (nonwol)/Deceased(wol)
PHYSICAL TRAITS: Numerous tattoos, scared and burned hands, mild ageusia
DEITY: althyk, the keeper
TRIBE: malqir (goes by his step-mother's last name)
OCCUPATION: doctor/researcher/combat medic
IC JOBS: drg/mnk/mch
ALIGNMENT: chaotic good
INTERESTS: medical science, aetherology, voidsent research
HOBBIES: racing, cartography, performing on trumpet in private, singing in private, reading, charity work, botany, poison testing
LIKES: coffee, smoking, dance, animals and monsters, books, plants and flowers, acts that induce an adrenaline rush, black and reds
DISLIKES: tea, wasps, readily difficult people, willful ignorance, greed, old traditionalists stuck in their ways
VOICE: darren korb (zagreus/hades)
SINGING VOICE: julian casablancas

under scrutiny

SOMETHING DOESN'T LINE UP // Lennox is not a liar but some stories he tells about himself are muddled. perhaps an unreliable narrator. there is a change in his tale about home every time, even if minuscule.STRANGENESS AND CHARM // possessing the echo, the doctor sometimes lapses in where and who he is. polite and well-mannered, there are times you can tell he's disoriented and has what seems, an inability to identify himself.THE DOCTOR'S KNIFE // the doctor is an exceptional man, he does not charge for his practices but there's an air to him that suggests for as many lives he saves, there are certainly those he takes.MEMENTO MORI //remember you will die, so live lkhagvasüren. lennox has two canons: one as a civilian and the other as the wol. it is possible to know both iterations of him but post SHB, he succumbed to light sickness and passed away. only then for his shard aerin lumen to take up the mantle.

OOC Information

Timezone: PST
Home server: crystal/coeurl
About me:
Hello, my name is lennox (as well) he/they, I am artist for an indie game team and full time employee for legal work with courts. currently I am not looking to make new aus with lennox as he is also a character from a project I'm later looking to publish. not enough spoons so to say but minor connections, rp in game, are fine.
Lennox is polite, well mannered and direct, sometimes unintentionally blunt. with this said muse=/=mun if you poke fun at him or challenge him, this is not a direct correlation between he and I. should this present an issue, please bring it up to me and we can talk it out. rp should be fun, not a grievance.lennox is multiship in respective universes, i am currently not looking for new ship partners.hard nos: mun is under 18, transphobia, incest, homophobia of any kind, underage, sexual assault, intention solely to shipbackstories that include trauma must be discussed first, I will not and do not tolerate romanticizing thinly veiled torture porn as 'angst.'as long as we discuss boundaries and desires for rp, i am mostly up for it. 'mostly' as sometimes i can be overwhelmed with irl responsibilities and stretching myself thin with creative endeavors but i look forward to any questions or interest.

Relationships and Associates

Ciceroix Valeriant - Husband (NONWOL): Long time rival, partner in crime, fling, and then cherished lover for life. More than a few times, he would end up tangled with the elezen man, in either his problems, plans or in bed. Though for as many sharp words shared, annoyed exchanges, and tense skirmishes, they had difficulty staying away from each other and denying it. lennox was always quick to deny the man that made him feel alive, and yet with time, patience, and confronting their personal demons, did the fools fall into each other's arms and this time, willingly. There are few people lennox trusts more with his life and work than ciceroix, a delightful and ironic surprise. From being disgusted with one another and now absolutely revolting together.
Valentine Depardieu-Liliverne - Lover: ishgard scholasticate, headmistress of lecturers - department of alchemy & chemistry: is what she'll tell you, but the doctor knows better. He's known this one for a long time and long has their strange relationship persisted. the allure of the bizarre machinations valentine involves herself in, draws lennox in begrudgingly. whether that means as an accomplice or rival, red is his favorite color and she paints the whole town with it. The limited time she has left and the vulnerabilities of both their trials and tribulations have brought to light their feelings in earnest. That in which they care deeply about one another, so much as frightening it can be, such as it is to be in love.
Aerin Callum (WOL): The shard of Len that takes place of himself in another universe where he succumbs to light and takes upon the mantle of his legacy.

Adrian Cromwell - Best friend: Adrian is Len's best friend and barely qualified assistant to his medical work. They had initially met while Adrian was breaking into Len's office for medical supplies and was shortly caught. Realizing he wanted help and not so much as money, he offered to do so and help him find a job. That job later being his assistant. Adrian provides that air of ease, silliness and good heart Len needs in his life and he provides understanding and help to Adrian when he needs it. While a stark contrast between the two, and with Len making fun of Adrian quite often, the two complement each other well and remain inseparable.
Tseren Voronin/Dmitry - Older brother: Eldest brother, leader of the self-made Voronin tribe, formerly Malqir. Tseren is Len's older brother by blood, he was meant to be the appointed leader by their father, but later was decreed as unfit when he fell into madness. Now leader of the Voronin tribe, Tseren is a charismatic and kind man, but he and Len butt heads often. They constantly shoot cutting words at each other but they love each other deeply. Both hold goals of bettering the world and tribal relations close to their hearts and even if Tseren annoys Len and vice versa, he protects him fiercely. Their father claimed Lennox was birthed as a need to supplant his role but he would not let his brother be used as tool and is certain to know how loved and valued he is.Ayla Sofiya Atteridge-Voronin - Sister: Older step-sister to both Len and Tseren. Her presence as being part of an Auri tribe, put considerable strain on the two men, as she was not only a Hyur but vouched for them to recreate tribal values. Ayla is a sharp-witted highlander woman that excels at diplomacy and subterfuge. She and her mother both believe in making the world a better place; her mother a scientist, and she a sometimes diplomat but mostly an imperial hunter. Largely away from her family due to her mission, she at least spent considerable time getting to know her two new brothers and mother. While she loves both dearly, she dotes on Lennox the most and reprimands Tseren. She is cool and charismatic as Tseren is, but far more bloodthirsty, perhaps a subproduct of her work. Should anyone come close to harming her family, or even just making fun of Len, may find themselves an early grave.Marin Kalir - best friend/cryptid: this particular hrothgar might come off as a voidsent on his dossier or any information spread but the doctor will laugh and smile cryptically. Is it true or not? who's to say, not lennox nor his good friend marin kalir. despite the odd nature of their friendship, marin is a steadfast presence to the doctor and provides for an encouraging and positive appearance. while he may never know where the corn in his free company has come from, he knows that the friendship comes from the heart.Rhyan Mellios - Friend/Rival: Another researcher in his life that moonlights with a hush hush occupation. lennox isn't one to broker information at a whim even if his work calls for it, this one he keeps the secret for. while they can work together harmoniously -in more ways than one- it's more appropriate to call rhyan a friendly rival. Their discussions of science are met in equal measure with their criticisms of application. while one may perform one way, the other will advocate for another and thus their endless banter continues.Ohwe Lhiltore - client/friend?: An oddity of a miqo'te and certified 'baby' according to them. how exactly this one came to know about lennox's minor trade in doing tattoos is anyone's guess, however, it is not an unwelcome development. He's provided more than a few times the ink on her skin and various designs at her behest. while it might come off as an information leak at her presence seeking him out for such work, he's content seeing the miqo'te be something like a wandering house cat. one that occasionally has to 'shred' on his front yard stairwell.